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ESG Toolkit for IROs: Part 2 - Applying an ESG Lens to Investor Relations Activities

ESG is an essential part of investor relations, but how can you use it to your advantage? Learn how in Part 2 of our ESG Toolkit for IROs.

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ESG Toolkit for IROs: Part 1 - A Practical Guide to Understanding ESG - Featuring Novisto

Learn about how ESG affects publicly traded companies, why it matters, and how IROs can report on ESG in this new eBook by Novisto & Irwin.

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The 6 Most Frequently Asked ESG Questions (and an Expert's Answers)

A practical guide for IR teams on where to focus effort and attention when it comes to ESG, including expert approved checklists!

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Webinars & Videos

NIRI Webinar: Embracing Equity - Paving the Path to an Equitable Future for Women in IR

Hear the lived experiences of women who have grown successful careers in IR and continue navigating the evolving industry.

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From Noise to Necessity: ESG Building Blocks for More Strategic IR Programs

This webinar is a practical toolkit for IROs looking to get started or enhance their ESG journey. We will discuss the first steps to developing an ESG strategy with long-term value creation for prospective investors and shareholders and help you better understand the purpose of ESG data and why it is essential to IROs.

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