A best in class solution for IR Professionals

Irwin + FactSet

Strengthen your investor and shareholder relationships with Irwin's suite of investor relations tools integrated with FactSet's extensive company and market insights and signals.

The only unified solution for IR professionals.

An end-to-end investor relations platform that provides a fully integrated CRM with market leading financial data, analysis, and research. Irwin's integration with the FactSet Workstation provides IR teams access to the most comprehensive capital markets insights and data.

Modern, Intuitive, Integrated.

Users of Irwin + FactSet will benefit from a comprehensive, unified platform experience, accessible through a single login. Request a demo to learn more about how Irwin + FactSet can enhance your IR workflows and reporting.

Learn More About FactSet
Illustration of some of Irwin's IR CRM capabilities, including Investor Tear Sheets, Roadshow Itineraries, and Investment Activity since last meeting.

A Better Way to Manage Investor Relations With Irwin's Suite of IR Solutions

Irwin is an investor relations solution designed to save you time with proactive insights, integrated data, built-in automation, and a modern and intuitive experience.

Learn More About The Irwin Solution

Critical Data and Insights Give You Unprecedented Visibility

Power your investor relations workflows with the industry, peer, and market intelligence you need to understand your globally competitive industry with FactSet.

Learn More About FactSet
Illustration of a donut chart representing investor turnover and a bar chart representing investor entrances and exits