Irwin for Investment Banks

Equity research, sales, and trading professionals can access powerful insights about existing clients, uncover new business opportunities, and prioritize the right activities and opportunities with Irwin.

Investor Targeting & CRM for Investment Banks

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Create Consistency

Communicate and maintain information across your team.

Find Opportunity

Easily find new institutional investors, family offices, funds, and retail investment advisors to prospect.

Track and Report

Track and report on your client metrics.

Illustration of Irwin's investor targeting capabilities.

Uncover new prospects

Irwin makes it easy for investment banks to search for institutional advisors, family offices, and funds for your sales team to prospect. In-depth profiles and holdings information means you can find the right fit organizations and people to reach out to.

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Perform, track, and report on activity

From one-to-one emails and phone calls to meeting itineraries and roadshows, you can manage and track your sales and client activity in one place with Irwin's CRM functionality. Easily pull activity reports to understand the efficacy and ROI of your activity and outreach.

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Illustration of Irwin's reporting capabilities showing two donut graphs representing investor turnover and geography.
Illustration of a security's buyers and sellers displayed on a stylized map.

Build market momentum

Irwin makes it easy for users to search for Institutions, Funds & Retail Investment Advisors. With Irwin, you can connect with a global database of qualified investors.

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Manage all of your client data in a single, secure platform

Manage your interactions with your client base across your research coverage. Run targeting reports, pull shareholder lists, and understand resource consumption and ROI.

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Illustration of Irwin software tracking multiple securities.

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Quentin Weber
“I could get much of the data from any platform, like consensus estimates, for example - but Irwin takes it a step past the data. When you get into targeting investors, many platforms have targeting services that you pay extra for on top of a platform fee, but with Irwin, that value is built right into the platform. When you're headed out on the road, it’s easy to set up your filters and get high-priority names for that trip. If, for example, we have some open time on a trip we’ve planned and the bank can’t come up with any more names, I’ll go into Irwin and grab high-value targets and provide them with that information."
Jeffrey Chastain
Vice President of Investor Relations
H&E Equipment Services
H&E Equipment Services
Quentin Weber
"Irwin has allowed us to do much of the same things that we were doing before, but much faster, and without as much of a headache as if we were using some of those other data platforms for this. Irwin also has a much more simplified and streamlined user interface, which goes a long way."
Steve Adams
Managing Director and Chief of Staff
Clermont Partners LLC
Clermont Partners LLC
Quentin Weber
“[The customer support] is excellent. I’ve been with a lot of different vendors through my 20-year career in IR. There’s continuity, there’s responsiveness -- even if my Irwin representative is traveling, I can easily find support and know that I will receive a quick response.”
Kenneth Levy
Vice President Investor Relations
Iridium Communications
Iridium Communications
Quentin Weber
“I think the IR function has been a certain way for the last couple of years, and many companies have been using Excel and the old ways of working. Now, the dynamic is different, and everything is evolving quickly. I think for an IRO, especially one within a small team, Irwin is a very good companion to help you save time, be better organized, and leverage all the tools that are out there. Having that extra tool internally is necessary if you want to be efficient and work effectively. I think innovation should be a top priority with service providers, and I think Irwin is continuing to move in that direction.”
Quentin Weber
Senior Advisor of Investor Relations
WSP Global
WSP Global