Success Story:

Jamieson Wellness

Jamieson Wellness
1.5 B
Consumer Packaged Goods
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About Jamieson Wellness

Jamieson Wellness is a leading branded manufacturer, distributor, and marketer of high-quality natural health products, headquartered in Canada. In addition to their Branded Business, they offer comprehensive manufacturing and product development services on a contract manufacturing basis to select blue-chip consumer health companies and retailers worldwide.

Meet The Senior Director, Communications and Corporate Affairs & Corporate Communications Coordinator

Ruth Winker is the Senior Director, Communications and Corporate Affairs at Jamieson Wellness. Ruth has been with Jamieson for over 13 years, and after the company went public in July of 2017, she took on Investor Relations responsibilities. 

Julia Filice is the Corporate Communications Coordinator at Jamieson Wellness. Julia joined Jamieson in February of 2021 and is the primary user of Irwin. Julia uses Irwin to increase efficiency in her day-to-day operations by having the ability to log and track meetings, access investor information, and easily monitor Jamieson’s peers’ holdings. 

Looking for an Intuitive Platform to Track Investor Interactions 

Before Implementing Irwin, Jamieson Wellness was using excel spreadsheets to track and monitor investor interactions and using other software for investor intel. They found the user experience of the software was geared heavily towards the banking side rather than IR and found the platform difficult to navigate. They quickly realized they needed a platform catered to IR professionals that better fit their needs.

When they discovered Irwin, they were pleased with its intuitive platform. “I always found that Irwin was much more intuitive.” Ruth explained. Although Julia is the primary user, Ruth finds it easy to navigate the platform herself and effortlessly pull the information she’s looking for. 

How Irwin Supports Jamieson in Their Day-To-Day Operations

Irwin has helped the team at Jamieson to increase efficiency in their day-to-day operations. The team uses an external IR firm but finds the platform helpful for their in-house efforts. “It’s been a great tool for me because it's really helpful to keep everything together. If I have to look up an investor who wants a meeting, it’s quick and easy to find everything I need through Irwin.”

Reliable Customer Support

At Irwin, our customers have dedicated account managers, who are also experienced capital markets professionals who provide product training and expertise to support our client's IR program. Julia described her experience with her account manager: 

“The customer support is awesome. I often ask my account manager for assistance, and he’s been great.” 

Quarterly Board Reports 

Their account manager works closely with the team to help them put together quarterly board reports. “[My account manager] has been a great help with putting that together quarterly. Using the tools within Irwin, we can pinpoint exactly what we want to share with the board. There have been no issues with it, which is great.”

Significant Time Savings Using Irwin

“I’ve saved many hours using Irwin''

Julia identified that the platform had saved her time specifically by having the ability to log meetings and research investors directly through the platform.

A Message to IRO’s Considering Irwin 

“[Irwin] has everything you need. It's great support, and the best part is the ease of use.  Everything is so straightforward.” 

Streamline your Investor Relations

Find out how Irwin can help you connect with new investors.

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